WEEK 1 (AUGUST 16-20)

lecture 8/19/2021

"whiteness, religion and modernity" 8/18/2021

"religion as a cultural system" 8/17/2021

WEEK 2 (AUGUST 23-27)

"errands into the wilderness"- perry miller essay AP

"a model of christian charity"- john winthrop

chief seattle's speech- "oration"

"an interview with jon butler... was america founded as a christian nation?"

lecture 8/24/2021 & lecture 8/26/2021

CN ch. 1- religious intolerance in america


CH chapter 2 (anti catholicism)

8/31/2021 lecture

why 1940s America wasn't as religious as you think- the rise and fall of American religion

the 1950s- powerful years for religion